Unleash Your Body's Potential: Active Care for Fascial Pain Relief

Unleash Your Body's Potential: Active Care for ...

Chronic pain. It's a thief that steals joy, limits mobility, and casts a shadow over our lives. But what if the key to unlocking pain relief lies within your own body, waiting to be discovered? This...

Unleash Your Body's Potential: Active Care for ...

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New Video Testimonial from Ben Rayner

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General orthopaedic screen with an ultramarathon athlete

General orthopaedic screen with an ultramaratho...

Another great example of traumas and how they relate to changes in strength and movement patterns.   Examination - the effect scars can have on pain from Shelley Davies on...

General orthopaedic screen with an ultramaratho...

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Practitioners or coaches needing help

Practitioners or coaches needing help

Do you have something that you feel you cannot get to grips with? A patient or client that no matter what you do they do not seem to improve? If...

Practitioners or coaches needing help

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Patients needing help

Patients needing help

Are you struggling with something and your usual go to therapist is not getting to the issue? If so I may be able to help.     Patients needing help...

Patients needing help

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Observation and screening with a new patient

Observation and screening with a new patient

This is a brief version of an observation and screening with a new patient. I chose her as she displays some very interesting issues that relate to historic traumas and...

Observation and screening with a new patient

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Welcome to the Shelley Davies Academy

Welcome to the Shelley Davies Academy

Shelley Davies Academy Introduction from Shelley Davies on Vimeo.   My interest in the human body began when I was a small child. My mother suffered a serious accident when...

Welcome to the Shelley Davies Academy

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