Personal pain was the key motivator to educate others

I'm Shelley Davies and this is my story...

  • From personal trainer to sports therapist

    At 6 years old I fractured my pelvis.

  • With over 20 years’ experience I have combined various methods of treatment, training, assessment protocols and interventions that
    provide a unique perspective on pain relief, improved daily activities,
    enhanced training capabilities and athletic performance.   

    The importance of use of language, emotional triggers for pain, chronic problems and negative self-beliefs, diet and nutrition, are all factors
    which are often overlooked in conventional settings. These are also often the staple of solving seemingly complex issues and should be part of an initial consultation. Without knowledge of these foundational factors solving some problems can prove very difficult.

    Frequently I find patients have several issues simultaneously and the main reason they are not improving is, these issues have not been looked at holistically. Putting the pieces together can be a real game changer however, it takes time and patience.  Collectively I provide a unique perspective that has been clinically proven to have great outcome measures and long term efficacy.

    My Mission

    To provide constructive methods of treatment and rehabilitation
    incorporating functional methods to aid full body cohesive movement.  Teaching self-help methods is key to long term recovery and I aim to help people move away from isolated training and exercise, overused treatment methods and unnecessary medications and surgery. 

    Whether you are a therapist struggling with a case and need advice and different perspective, or a patient wanting guidance and another opinion, I can help you.

    "My core belief is that the patient who does not need to be seen again is my greatest success."

  • This is always a subjective issue, there is no one size fits all.  Everything is tailored to the patients and therapists needs. No matter how acute a case may be, I endeavour to observe and test movement patterns to find the best movement intervention to alleviate pain and restore function without delay. Avoiding too much passive treatment from the start has proven the best results over the years.

    Chasing the pain is something that repeatedly blinds both practitioners and patients alike, in some cases it is the only thing being focused on.  This is one of the main errors I see in practice and in a patients perception of what the issue actually is. The latter coupled with the use of google to self-diagnose is disastrous for recovery.

    More and more research has been completed on the myofascial system in the last 10 years.  Practitioners aware of these developments tend not to talk about anatomy in terms of single muscles anymore as, it only leads to confuse things.  The most effective way to think about the myofascial system is in terms of movement patterns, sequences and planes.  Muscles are mainly geography.  Carla Stecco has written what I feel is the best anatomy book of our time  “Functional Anatomy of the Human Fascial System”.  Thomas Myers “Anatomy Trains”, David Lesonodak “Fasica, what is is and why it matters”, and many more have been innovative in this field. They have described not only the gross anatomy and functions in great biomechanical detail but, have also studied the science.  It is this research and science that I lean heavily on in my treatment interventions and exercise protocols.

    When hands on treatment is advised, I use or advise a combination of various Chiropractic methods, myofascial release, laser therapy and regular functional exercise rehabilitation.

  • Patients

    Have you been suffering with an issue for some time that is not getting better, do you need advice on what you can do to help yourself or, direction on the best person to see. Are you seeing your manual therapist and not having your usual success? If so then I can help. The session comprises of a detailed history which would have been requested prior to the appointment, followed by a lengthy consultation spent getting to know you, your expectations and goals. I then take you through movement patterns and a series of tests and devise a treatment and rehabilitation programme to suit you.

    As I am based in Sweden I offer zoom consultation for those people not local to me. I am back in the UK every few months so appointments can be arranged in the Bournemouth area. 

  • Practitioners / Coaches / Manual Therapists

    Whatever kind of body worker you are I can help if you. Whether it is a case, patient or client that is not responding how you would
    imagine or like. Alternatively, there may be a particular condition that repeatedly presents itself to you and you have little or no success with.  My goal is to help you dissect these issues and come up with a new treatment plan and strategy, technique(s) and approach. For
    example, if someone is being treated for a low back issue with solid techniques and rehabilitation and it is not resolving, the chances are the intervention is incorrect and, it may not even be a low back issue. I can help you understand the kinematic chain in more depth and this enhanced knowledge will help you
    with multiple cases moving forwards.

What our clients say


"Dr Shelley Davies is the most outstanding Chiropractor I have ever experienced. The knowledge and skill that she brings to her work is enhanced by her innate ability to intuitively get to the heart of the pain and discomfort and bring about healing. I value the honesty and integrity that she always brings to her treatments, and her commitment to her own professional development is second to none. She is a professional whose intentions are always about her patients and has magic hands and a deeply compassionate approach. The greatest medicine is helping a person not need it. Dr Shelley Davies teaches you about your body and the connection with pain and emotion. This is a rare and incredible gift. I would recommend Shelley's treatment unreservedly."

Roisin Fulton

"I have been treated by Shelley for over 15 years, receiving both chiropractic treatment as well as deep tissue massage. She treats my husband and our children, too. As a fellow holistic therapist, I was very disappointed to have developed plantar fasciitis after a fall on my sacrum (I am a Reflexologist), but in no less than one session, Shelley had relieved me of all symptoms.(Some very deep fascia work was involved!) Her in-depth knowledge of anatomy, and her clear explanations of how the body works (especially for my younger children) is amazing. She prescribes self-help exercise routines as appropriate, treating each of us holistically. I very much appreciate her desire to fix any issues quickly and efficiently, and not on a "repeat treat" basis. We all leave her practice feeling re-aligned, relieved and relaxed."

Nicki Benoit-Means

"I’ve been working with Shelley Davies for 14 years in the capacity of patient, colleague and student. As a chiropractor Shelley’s skills and experience surpassed anyone local to our area and her rehabilitation techniques have always been forward thinking and progressive hence why I referred my entire client base to Shelley for both Chiro and real “out of the box thinking” rehabilitation advice. As a result I had the privilege of learning so much from Shelley who then became my mentor, confidant and friend. She is very well respected in the profession in Bournemouth and as a practitioner I am very excited about Shelley’s academy and looking forward to learning so much more."

Amanda Burger
Sports Massage Therapist Intulo Health